How Many Periods in Hockey?

hockey periods

Hockey has a lot of rules, but one thing that might be confusing is how many periods NHL games go on for. Are they all 45 minutes long or do some last only 35? And what about overtime – does it act like regular time with teams playing five-minute halves instead of three decks per side (1+2), then taking whichever amount remains when the clock expires at two whistle blows)? This article will answer these questions and more.

How Many Periods Are in a Hockey Game?

Hockey has what’s called “periods,” which refer to three different parts of the game. There are two 20-minute periods and then there’s an intermission between them. There are three periods in every hockey game, but they can vary depending on the level being played. The length of these periods varies from 15 minutes to 40 minutes long for lower levels and up to 60 if it’s an adult contest with much more physicality involved.

The first period lasts 20 minutes, the second one 30 seconds longer at 60 minutes in total duration for two full 40-minute sessions before switching to an additional 10-minute break after 120 scoreless minutes (or 3+0). This rule was implemented by NHA clubs starting with their 1910–11 season opener on November 11th; prior thereto all contests were played over 2 thirty-minute halves regardless if they ended up losing early or late.

The NHL has always maintained a three-period, 20-minute game structure. The only exception to this rule comes if there is an overtime period and both teams are even at the end of regulation time; in which case they will play another five minutes each before deciding who wins through scored goals or better goal differential (if applicable).

Is Overtime a Period in Hockey?

Hockey overtime is a lot like normal regulation time. It lasts for 40 minutes, and the team that wins gets two points instead of one when they score during this period (or play). This may not sound so different from regular games but there are some key differences between them which will be covered here.

If a goal isn’t scored in the standard single overtime period, most leagues then finish the game with a shootout. The shooter and goalie’s stats do not count towards their regular teams’ total for that category; they’re separate categories altogether- but if someone scores during shootouts it determines who will win.

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